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How to Naturally Strengthen Your Hair, Skin and Nails

Frustrated with weak hair, dry skin, and brittle nails? The easiest way to keep your hair, nails, and skin healthy is to take good care of your overall health. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water is essential.

Although a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle provide the greatest beauty benefits, the daily intake of certain vitamins that are essential for connective tissue and keratin formation, along with a good-quality wide-spectrum antioxidant, will make you look amazing and feel even better! You may get most of the required vitamins and minerals from your food, but supplementing your diet with certain vitamins can yield better results. GNA has a range of vitamin supplements for hair, skin, and nails that can help you bring their lost luster back.

Many environmental factors have damaging effects on healthy hair, skin, and nails. A diet that’s rich in vitamins and minerals can help improve the body’s internal resistance to these adverse effects.

Foods for Hair, Skin, and Nails


Bananas are a superfood for good hair and strong nails. They contain Biotin, which is a water-soluble vitamin that fills in as a cofactor for the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is also called vitamin H (for hair and skin) or vitamin B7. It’s needed for synthesizing proteins, especially keratin, and contributes to strong nails and hair regrowth. Studies have linked moderate hair and nail development to an improvement in basic pathological conditions after biotin consumption.

Since our intestinal microbes incorporate Biotin, which is present in a wide assortment of foods, biotin deficiencies are uncommon, but have dermatological effects, such as thinning hair, fragile fingernails, and skin rashes that are due to the unpredictable circulation of facial fat.

Other foods like organic meat, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and egg yolks contain enough Biotin to satisfy the daily requirement.

  • Whole Grains

    Whole grains are rich in Vitamin B3, also called niacin. The vitamin is important for bodily processes but can’t be produced by the body. The “active” type of niacin is a coenzyme for more than 400 proteins, and a catalyst for responses in the body.

    The dietary intake of niacin can help fix numerous skin and hair issues, including dryness, bald spots, and pigmentation.

    Poultry and fish are rich in the active form of niacin. Plant-based sources include seeds, vegetables.

  • Seafood

    Most kinds of seafood, especially fish are excellent sources of Vitamin B9 (also called folate) and vitamin B12 (also called cobalamin) work in conjunction with each other and aid in the creation of new cells by participating in the nucleic acid process. A study that focused on skin tightening showed that the effective use of folate improved the firmness of the skin by increasing the thickness of collagen. Cobalamin abundance or deficiencies happen in the skin because of hyperpigmentation, hair, and nail problems. A deficiency can be corrected by using vitamin B12 drops.

  • Citrus Fruits

    Citrus fruits, bell peppers, kale, guava, and broccoli are rich sources of vitamin C.

    Vitamin C is the best water-soluble antioxidant. It’s a fundamental supplement that serves as a cofactor for the compound responses that produce collagen. It improves the retention of iron and the bioavailability of selenium. Mainstream impacts of vitamin C deficiency, including keratosis and swollen hair follicles, can result from debilitated collagen amalgamation.

  • Nuts

    Nuts are the best natural sources of Vitamin E. It’s benefits are related to vitamin C. It prevents the cross-connection of collagen, the shortening, and thickening of collagen fibrils, and lipid peroxidation, the oxidative debasement of lipids in the cell layer. Both these free radical responses cause major cell damage and are associated with skin aging.

    A few tablespoons of vegetable oil (for example, sunflower oil, almond oil, or canola oil) can meet the body's requirement of vitamin E. Other great sources are seeds, and green vegetables.

  • Green Vegetables

    Chicken liver, ghee, margarine, broccoli, green vegetables, and yams are some of the richest sources of vitamin A.

    Vitamin A is instrumental in cell development, in which the body disposes of dead skin cells and replaces them with new cells. This has the effect of moisturizing the skin. Studies have shown a relationship between beta-carotene, the antecedent type of vitamin A that’s found in plants, and the counteraction of tanning from the sun by suggesting that carotenoids improve the basal defense of the skin against UV rays. Vitamin A aids in the healing of scars and resolves perceptible side effects of aging.

    It can also help hydrate nails, reinforce chipped, weak nails, and prevent balding.

  • Eggs: 

    Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which plays a fundamental role in maintaining the level of calcium in the body. Vitamin D is also key to the protection of the skin and hair. Vitamin D receptors in the body manage the unregulated development and multiplication of keratinocytes, the cells that make up the external layer of our skin, preventing the development of dead skin. It’s important for preserving the integrity of hair follicles.

    Daylight is the best, most readily accessible source of vitamin D. This nutrient can also be obtained from fish, such as salmon and mackerel, and mushrooms.

  • Meat

    Some good sources of zinc are shellfish, meat, beans, and nuts.

    Zinc works as a co-substrate for more than 1,000 enzymatic responses, and plays a significant part in cell development, synthesis, and fragmentation. A study shows that zinc is critical to the protection of collagen, subcutaneous tissues, and hair follicles, and gives positive indications as a powerful treatment for inflammation in the skin. Zinc deficiency causes collagen damage and extreme keratinization in the scalp, resulting in skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis and xerosis.

  • Oats

    Selenium is a minor nutrient that’s required for the amalgamation of 35 proteins in the body. It’s a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals to protect hair follicles and their basic structure. Recent studies have demonstrated that selenium deficiency can prompt hair growth, and prevent balding and the sloughing of nails.

    Dietary selenium can be found in foods like nuts, mushrooms.

  • Doctor's Advice:

    “I’m not aware of any robust data suggesting that any supplements can treat natural, aging-related hair loss or nail damage, or give you healthier skin,” says Pieter Cohen, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, an expert on dietary supplements.
  • GNAnaturals Bamboo Silica with Biotin Capsules

    This blog identifies best hair, skin, and nail vitamins you can take on a daily basis to maintain your overall health.
  • Conclusion

    As we age, our skin and hair ages, as well. However, a number of environmental, physical, and lifestyle factors can promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin deficiencies cause damage to the skin and hair. A healthy diet, including essential vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, will potentially improve the body's defenses and reinvigorate the skin, hair, and nails from within.